
Welcome to Medical and General Insurance Consulting
Independent Risk and Insurance Consultants

Medical and General Insurance Consulting was established in 1997 specifically to assist the healthcare profession understand medical malpractice insurance. MAGIC also helps healthcare professionals obtain the correct level of insurance at affordable premiums.

We do not place or sell insurance. We provide impartial advice and without a conflict of interest. All consultancies are undertaken on a fee for services basis. In the rare event we are able to secure any additional fees these will be declared to our clients and rebated to them.

All too often insurance is transacted at the last minute, with little understanding of how the premiums are calculated and you as the purchaser feel you are left with few options.

It's no wonder it's seen as a "grudge" purchase!!


We can help you to understand how premiums are calculated, how much insurance you need for your individual needs and what excess you can afford. We will also advise you on the differences between the various insurance policies on the market and let you know what options are available to reduce your premiums.

With this information you will be able to make an informed decision on your insurance needs.